
How Long Does It Take For A Blood Clot To Travel Through The Body

When a claret clot forms in the deep veins of the body, it is called deep vein thrombosis (DVT). DVT occurs nigh commonly in the leg; however, it tin occur anywhere in the torso, such every bit the veins in the arm, belly, pelvis, and effectually the encephalon. A complication of DVT in legs and arms is pulmonary embolism (PE). A PE occurs when a blood jell breaks off from a DVT and travels through the claret stream, traversing the right atrium and right ventricle, and lodging in the lung.

How Long Will I Need Treatment With an Anticoagulant?

The primary handling for DVT and PE is anticoagulation with claret thinners. These medications increase the time it takes for blood to jell. They prevent new clots from forming and existing clots from growing larger. Anticoagulants do not deliquesce a clot. The torso naturally dissolves a clot over fourth dimension, sometimes completely, sometimes only partially.

The elapsing of time you will need to take an anticoagulant depends on a number of factors your doctor volition review with you, such as the following:

  • The location of the jell (whether your clot was in the calf only or further up in the leg in the thigh or pelvis)

  • Why the jell formed (what take chances factors contributed to your clot)

  • An assessment of your risk for developing future clots if your anticoagulant is stopped (what risk factors you take which may cause another jell to develop)

  • How well you have tolerated the anticoagulant and what your gamble for bleeding is if you stay on an anticoagulant.

  • Your personal preference and how anticoagulant treatment has impacted your lifestyle.

In general, if the risk of another clot is low, then curt-term handling for three months is frequently sufficient (Figure). This is long enough for the nowadays clot to heal. However, if the take a chance for developing another jell is high, then treatment for >iii months may be appropriate. This typically means long-term (likewise referred to as extended) treatment, which can concluding several years and, in some cases, life-long.


Effigy. Length of anticoagulation.

Which Anticoagulant Will I Receive?

Several anticoagulant choices are available to treat DVT and PE. They may be given as an oral tablet or as injection nether the skin. Option of anticoagulant depends on a number of individualized factors, and your dr. will determine with you which 1 of these medicines is best for you.

The oral anticoagulant warfarin was the mainstay of treatment for virtually 50 years. In recent years, new oral anticoagulants accept emerged that also offering constructive handling for DVT and PE (Table).

Table. Comparison of Oral Anticoagulants

Warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven) Apixaban (Eliquis)Dabigatran (Pradaxa)Rivaroxaban (Xarelto) Edoxaban (Savaysa)
Monitoring Frequent testing (INR) required to determine blood thinning effect No monitoring to make up one's mind blood thinning effect
Dosage Variable dosing for each patient, with frequent dosing changes sometimes required. Dosing dependent on coagulation test to keep blood thinning touch on inside desired therapeutic range Same dose for each patient.
Food interactions Vitamin Yard containing foods (such as salads and greenish vegetables) influence warfarin's claret thinning effect. Patients on warfarin must carefully monitor what they eat to maintain a consistent vitamin Thousand intake. No food interactions.
Drug interactions Many common drugs influence the blood thinning effect of warfarin, such as antibiotics, thus requiring more frequent blood monitoring tests. Fewer drug interactions.
Time to fully active Warfarin takes ≥5 days after starting to reach its full blood thinning effect. Therefore, patients who starting time warfarin need to be treated with an additional blood thinner (typically injections underneath the pare) during those first 5 or more days. Full blood thinning effect is achieved within 2–3 h. Therefore, there is no need for the initial injections with an boosted blood thinner.
Time to existence out of organization After being stopped, warfarin takes 5–vii days to articulate the body. Takes 24 to 48 h to clear later on being stopped.
Reversal in cases of excessive bleeding There are proven reversal methods in case of excessive bleeding on warfarin. There is no antidote or reversal strategy that is guaranteed to work if major bleeding occurs.
Cost Depends on insurance, merely generally lower-cost. Depends on insurance, only generally more expensive.
Effectiveness in preventing recurrent clots Same Aforementioned
Safety Same gamble of major bleeding, but higher chance of bleeds into the head Same risk of major bleeding, but lower take chances of bleeds into the caput

When Will My Clot and Pain Get Abroad?

As the body naturally absorbs a clot over the course of several weeks to months, the symptoms which accompanied the claret clot gradually improve and often eventually disappear. Symptoms typically meliorate within a few days of starting the anticoagulant. Most patients with DVT or PE recover completely inside several weeks to months without significant complications or long-term agin furnishings.

Nevertheless, long-term problems can occur, with symptoms ranging from very balmy to more severe. Around half of patients with DVT volition take some caste of chronic discomfort, and ≈fifteen% will experience moderate to severe chronic swelling and pain known as post-thrombotic syndrome. Post-thrombotic syndrome is partly owing to harm done when the jell formed and partly to the chronic obstacle from left-over clot (scar tissue).

Graduated compression stockings may make your leg feel better. Graduated compression stockings are made of special elastic and are very tight at the talocrural joint and are less tight equally the stocking moves up the leg. This graduated tightness helps the leg muscles clasp fluid up the leg, which prevents or decreases leg swelling and pain. A prescription from your doc is needed to get stockings with the recommended tightness (30–40 mm Hg force per unit area). Stockings should be individually fitted.

Around 2% to 4% of patients with PE will accept chronic damage to the lungs known as pulmonary hypertension (chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension), which is characterized by shortness of breath and decreased exercise ability. Pulmonary hypertension can atomic number 82 to heart failure if untreated. An evaluation for pulmonary hypertension may be done if you had a large PE or if after several months post-obit a PE you have non gotten back to your preclot level of feeling well.

How Before long Tin I Be Physically Active?

Many patients worry that being physically active might cause a DVT to break off and get a PE. The risk of clot breaking off and forming a PE is mostly present in the get-go few days, up to ≈iv weeks, while the clot is withal fresh, frail, and not scarred. All the same, patients who carry out normal daily activities after a clot are no more likely to develop PE than those who don't walk around. Thus, being physically active after a clot is generally fine and is typically encouraged.

Afterward a diagnosis of DVT or PE, use mutual sense and mind to your body. Physically, do only what is comfortable. You will not speed up recovery by pushing yourself aggressively through symptoms of pain and swelling. Simply y'all also will not make things worse by being active. Yous should talk over with your md whether physical activity is appropriate for you, how much activity is recommended, and how soon you tin can begin.

Is It Normal to Experience Anxious or Depressed After a Clot?

A diagnosis of DVT or PE brings many things to cope with, both physically and mentally. Immediately after a diagnosis, y'all may be dealing with physical pain, trying to understand why the clot happened, and adjusting to the lifestyle impact of taking an anticoagulant. It is normal to feel stupor, anxiety, and fear after the diagnosis of a blood jell.

Temporary feelings of anxiety or depressed mood tin occur in the first few weeks, but the fright of a futurity clot recurrence can produce ongoing anxiety. Ask your doctor about support groups that may be bachelor. Tell your doc if your feelings do not ameliorate or are accompanied by a withdrawal from activities or increased negative thoughts and tearfulness, considering these may indicate a more astringent low requiring treatment.

What Kind of Doctor Do I Need?

Not everybody with DVT or PE needs the same type of md. If you lot take warfarin, the ideal combination may be to take (1) a health care professional (nearly likely a pharmacist or a nurse) in a formal anticoagulation clinic (to manage your blood thinning medication) and (2) a physician with special expertise in blood clots (thrombosis). If you take i of the newer oral anticoagulants, you may non demand to be followed in an anticoagulation clinic. Discuss with your doctor where you should be referred for anticoagulation management.

Multiple types of physicians may have a special expertise and involvement in DVT, PE, anticoagulation, and clotting disorders, including hematologists, cardiologists, pulmonologists, vascular surgeons, vascular medicine specialists, and general internists. Many primary care physicians also follow patients with DVT or PE. Specialized Thrombosis Clinics may also become past the name of Center and Vascular Clinic or something similar. Patients and their primary intendance physicians should make up one's mind together what specialty care is needed.

Where to Get More Data

Resource for patients diagnosed with DVT or PE tin be institute online at the following:

world wide a resource provided by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Loma a resource provided by the Due north American Thrombosis Forum a resource provided by the National Blood Jell Alliance


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